KUCI Might Be Able to Help You Get to Coachella

Going to Coachella is expensive–$269 for all three days, in fact, not counting service fees and their pre-requisite $3 donation to charity. So who wouldn't want to find a way to get in without, you know, paying? Our local community radio station KUCI may have your (free) way in, as long as you don't mind composing a few thoughtful essays.

They're looking for (good) answers to the following questions: “What show do you listen to most often on KUCI,” “What is so great about this KUCI show” (which kind of puts you on the defensive, but whatev) and “What makes you the ultimate Coachella fan?” If you think you've got some keen answer to these questions, e-mail


. It's definitely a more intellectual approach than, say, being caller #9. Caveat: they're giving away an individual ticket, not pairs, but it's still a pretty sweet deal. Go here for full details.

It's not the only cool thing going on at KUCI, who are also planning monthly nights at the newly reopened Yost Theatre in Santa Ana, starting on April 23. Their first show includes The Shys, The Living Suns, Castledoor, Death to Anders and Locals Only faves Moostache. I've also heard rumors that there'll be ice cream there, as well, which surely should push any remaining fence-sitters towards the “yes” side, no?

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