Incoming: Mickey Avalon, Soulfly at the Galaxy Theatre

The Galaxy Theatre in Santa Ana hasn't slowed down since reopening a few months ago, adding a couple new shows of note to its schedule.

First up: Hollywood white boy rapper Mickey Avalon
(pictured, with a couple of fly ladies), who apparently at least lives
part of the time in Orange County, due to him being eligible for an Orange County Music Award
(which he won back in April of this year for best hip hop). He's been
relying on the same self-titled debut record from 2006, but he's
promising a “bag of new songs” at the Galaxy on September 26 (not a ton
of advance notice on this one, sorry), previewing a new album that
should be out…sometime. Soon. Probably. But come on, a whole bag! Tickets are $25 and on sale

Also coming up is heavy metal band Soulfly, the current project of former Sepultura frontman Max Cavalera. (Fun fact! Max Cavalera was actually one of the first people I interviewed as a young intern. He hung up on me. In fairness to both of them, I think he just really had to get off the phone.) Also on that October 1 show: Prong, Cattle Decapitation and Mutiny Within. $25, tickets on sale now.

But as shows giveth, they also taketh away. The Otep show scheduled for this Saturday is off, in its place, Sabrina Lentini N Minor Aftershock. Yep!

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