Albert on the Radio! Fun Ensues!

It's OK. We've all had those moments. You're reading Heard Mentality at home, work, or risking your life by checking it on your cell phone in traffic (safety first, please, but we appreciate your dedication). You start thinking “yeah, reading what Albert says is great, but if there were only a way I could hear his rich baritone deliver these wonderful, wonderful words!” Well, you'll have a chance to fulfill those deep-seated desires, sort of, by hearing me on KUCI today, where I'll be on (most of) the locals-only Press Pass Music show, hosted by friend of the blog Ashley Eliot. It's from noon to 2 p.m., and please do give us a call and request some Orange County tunes at (949) UCI-KUCI. We're going to play some BLOK, who are performing tomorrow at the Lucky Owl, that much is guaranteed. Everything else, less so. (Exciting! Right?)

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