Monday Munchies: British Breakfast at The Ship!

I’ve been an anglophile for most of my life. Everything about British culture has either intrigued me by being so different from our american ways or amused me by being absolutely ridiculous. Sure, the English cut their hair funny and mispronounce aluminum but there’s still so many things we can learn from our brothers and sisters across the pond. From football to fashion and even breakfast, the brits have their own idea of how to do things.

For starters, no proper breakfast from any self respecting Englishman would be served on anything other than a plate the size of an end table, a heavy platter is necessary considering the sizable amount of food it’s about to carry. Thick cut Irish bacon, a sausage “banger”, and fried tomatoes rest alongside sautéed mushrooms and eggs cooked to your liking. Finally, the star of the show is the fried bread covered in beans. Yes, you read that correctly, beans are apparently a breakfast food and I couldn’t be happier. The weather in California is usually reserved for lighter foods that help keep our figures slim for instagram photos but the English don’t worry about things like “health” or “vegetables”. Since the rain has been pelting our usually dry streets relentlessly for the past week it’s time to ditch the avocado toast and vans for a pair of adidas trainers and a proper breakfast. Lucky for us we don’t need to strap ourselves into a metal tube for several hours in order to experience this wonderful medley of meat and beans because The Olde Ship in Santa Ana will fry up their signature dish for you seven days a week.

Editors note: The parking lot is giant and ideal for hotboxing before heading inside to eat like Harry Potter on christmas morning. Enjoy!

The Olde Ship

1120 W 17th St.
Santa Ana, Ca

One Reply to “Monday Munchies: British Breakfast at The Ship!”

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