Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall, Which Orange County City Has the Snarkiest Kids of All?

Folks on an online forum were discussing the merits of moving to Huntington Beach when one soul mentioned the following: “Kids in HB are unfortunately snarky, that's just the culture …”

Agree? Disagree? Make the case in our comments for the Orange County city that has the snarkiest kids, keeping in mind OC Weekly World HQ is not a city. More like an island …


First, here is the full quote on City-Data.com:

“Wildsearch, I would agree with the other 2 posters here who advise against raising kids in HB. Kids in HB are unfortunately snarky, that's just the culture, with yes riots every year (many are local youths, locals just don't want to admit it). Try Fountain Valley like others mentioned, or Cypress. You are still just a 20 minute drive away from the beach from those cities, and better environment for your kids to grow up in.”

Setting aside the snarky remark for a second, those unfamiliar with the area should know that there is not a riot in Huntington Beach every year. Not even every other year. But it has famously (and violently) happened often enough that the city gets saddled with the bad rep.

The snarky to me, by the way, would not be kids rioting but kids looking at the rioters and saying/texting “nice form” as stop signs are rammed into shop windows. (Or “special delivery” when rioters bend a sacred newsweekly box.)

But don't let me shade your Orange County kiddie-snark views. If you believe Surf Snarky, er, City has the snarkiest kids in all of OC, make your case in the comments. Just keep in mind the bored silly youth of Irvine, Newport Beach and Anaheim Hills who, as we've blogged here before, act out with healthy doses of snark. (That's the only tip you're getting; look 'em up for proof.)

On with the snark attack!



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