For this week’s “Orange Feathers,” Weekly artist Algae decided to take on two things: the death-by-gator of a kid at a Disney resort in Orlando, and the request by Disneyland officials for money from Anaheim to build yet another hotel at the Resort. Here’s his artist’s statement—take it away, Algae!
Disneyland officials plan to build a new 700 room luxury hotel next to the park. They also want the city of Anaheim to grant them $200 million is tax subsidies with additional room tax rebates (i.e., kickbacks) estimated at just over $10 million. And, these tax rebates are expected to increase every year with the rising cost of the luxury rooms. Disney says that the hotel’s additional jobs will help the community. But, even with all the tax money collected from Disneyland over the years, you only have to look at the surrounding neighborhoods to see there’s still much work to do.
Why should an enormously successful franchise like Disney be given even more tax breaks not granted to other local hotels? And why are those most in need of public services made to pay full price, or even forced to forgo those services altogether?
Mayor Tom Tait and others smell an insatiable rat.
Got an idea for an OC-themed editorial cartoon? Email garellano at ocweekly dot com. Happy drawering!