Michelle Carbajal, Dirty DMV Worker, Gets 4 Years Split Between Jail and Supervision

A Fullerton DMV employee was formally sentenced today to four years behind bars for taking cash to alter driver's license records
and issue commercial licenses to individuals who had not passed the
required written and driving tests. But Michelle
cut a different deal to ease her pain, getting 14 months in jail and two years and 10 months under mandatory
supervision in exchange for having copped to 42 felony counts of altering public documents and computer access and fraud.

Working through a third party authorities have yet to identify, the Fullerton 38-year-old unlawfully altered tests and records for 14 people who'd ponied up a total of more than $24,000, although it's unclear how much went to her and how much the headhunter received. A DMV supervisor became suspicious of her, which resulted in her arrest on Aug. 19, 2011.

Michelle Carbajal, DMV Worker, Accused of Letting Commercial License Applicants Pass Tests for Cash

She pleaded guilty under the court deal on April 18.

Michelle Carbajal Cops to Cooking DMV Tests for Cash

According to a statement today from the Orange County District Attorney's office (OCDA), “Carbajal's actions endangered public safety, as some of these
tests were safety-related including proper use of specialized brakes,
proper pulling of double trailers, the ability to drive semi-trucks and
other commercial vehicles, among other skills. None of the 14
individuals had passed any of the tests.”

Makes you feel safe the next time a semi's swaying in front of you on the 57, no?

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