Meth Softball Rolls to San Clemente Border Stop

I'm just spitballing here, but I bet if you had a bunch of meth heads play against one another in a softball game with a softball made of methamphetamine, that game would end very quickly.

Like before the first half inning ends when said meth heads break open the ball. Breaking bad, indeed.

It's a theory U.S. Border Patrol agents at the San Clemente checkpoint can test now that they've confiscated a softball-size bundle of meth.

It happened Tuesday when a 41-year-old Mexican national behind the wheel of a 2002 Dodge Durango was sent to a secondary screening area at the checkpoint alongside the northbound lanes of the 5 freeway, where a canine officer took particular interest in a briefcase on the rear seat.

The 1.036-pound ball of meth found inside was later estimated to be worth $20,720.

The unidentified driver was placed under arrest.

Better call Saul!

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