Some three years ago, a woman in Nebraska noticed that one of the
McNuggets her children didn't eat looked kinda like George Washington in
profile. So she stashed it in the freezer and later, put it up on eBay.
auction site took it down citing that the item violated a rule they had
against selling expired food. But then, it changed its mind when it
found out that Rebekah Speight intended to use any proceeds she might
get from the auction to send 50 children to summer church camp in Sioux
City, Iowa.
The Sioux City Iowa Journal reported that bidding ended yesterday. The three-year old McNugget netted Speight $8,100. Pretty good for a 99-cent investment (she bought the nuggets on Chicken McNugget Tuesday, of course).
If there's a lesson in all this, it's the same one we learned when the “Virgin Mary” grilled cheese earned $28,000: pay more attention to what you're eating, just in case it resembles some sort of deity or founding father.
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Before becoming an award-winning restaurant critic for OC Weekly in 2007, Edwin Goei went by the alias “elmomonster” on his blog Monster Munching, in which he once wrote a whole review in haiku.