Legendary hip-hop producer Pete Rock came out with a press release yesterday after tweets made it seem like the “T.R.O.Y.” controversy over Lupe Fiasco's new single “Around My Way (Freedom Ain't Free)” was smoothed out.”The storm is over and it's time to move on,” he started his statements with. “There is no Pete Rock vs. Lupe Fiasco and there never was. Lupe called
me last night for the first time about the remake of my song and we
worked out our differences,” Rock went on to add. “With that, we can do business together and
focus on what we both love to do, which is make great music.”
The storm wasn't over as the rapper called into Sway in the Morning on Sirius XM today to dive deeper into the issue. Pete Rock is right to say that the recent phone call was the first the two had had about the remake of “T.R.O.Y.” for Food & Liquor II: The Great American Rap Album's first single. Fiasco told Sway, though, that his people were in discussions with Rock about the track as early as November, but didn't stop there.
The usually chill lyricist was clearly angered. When asked about the possible collaboration hinted at after the supposed beat beef squash he went on to say Rock wasn't supposed to come out with that. “He was supposed to say the same shit he said on the phone, “Yo man, it's my bad…it was fucked up for me to say that. It was 100% in the wrong. I apologize. That's what he was supposed to say.”
And to think, prior to Tuesday's release of “Around My Way” we mused with optimism that Food & Liquor II would be devoid of the drama that surrounded his previous studio effort!
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Gabriel San Román is from Anacrime. He’s a journalist, subversive historian and the tallest Mexican in OC. He also once stood falsely accused of writing articles on Turkish politics in exchange for free food from DönerG’s!