Lovers of Tillys' Mural Seek Extension to Painting It Over from Irvine and Irvine Co.

Perhaps you've driven past the bright Tillys building alongside the 405 freeway and thought to yourself, “You don't see that every day in Irvine.” That's because the Irvine Co. has spent countless time, money and campaign contributions to ensure every goddamn thing look the goddamn same every goddamn day in goddamn Irvine—and certainly nothing like the bright Tillys building alongside the 405. But mega-props to mega-developer Don Bren's concern for allowing artist Zio Ziegler's striking mural in the first place. Now folks are hoping they can convince the Irvine Co. and City of Irvine to allow it to remain longer.


The mural first went up in June with the understanding it would be painted over in 90 days, “but the response from the community has been so positive from the very beginning we would like to see the mural stay up longer,” explains Torrey Cook, founder and owner of Artists Republic Gallery in Laguna Beach.

Next Thursday, Oct. 1, mural boosters go before the Irvine Planning Commission to seek an extension of the deadline.

“… The Irvine Company is allowing us to ask for an additional three months … but we all know how fast that goes by … and I would like to be able to ask the Planning Commission to let it stay up for a full year,” writes Cook in an email. “To do that … we need approval from the Irvine Company.”

Cook is asking those who feel like she does to do some writing of their onw—to the Irvine Co.'s Vice President of Operations Holly McManus (email: HM******@ir***********.com). Subject: please, Plese, PUH-LEEZE!

You can also cc a copy to Cook at To****@ar**.com” target=”_blank”>To****@ar**.com so she can add your plea to the collection of letters she will take to the planning commission meeting.

Click here for Tillys.

Email: mc****@oc******.com. Twitter: @MatthewTCoker. Follow OC Weekly on Twitter @ocweekly or on Facebook!

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