Anyone been following the case of the goofy-ass couple living on the Seal Beach Naval Weapons
Make that alleged goofy-ass couple: the police report suggests Derrick and Linda Wilborn allegedly held conversations with God and neglected their four, starving kids (none older than 3) in a military fourplex.
Oh, but it gets worse . . . much, much worse.
Jon Cassidy tries valiantly to sort through the mess in the Orange County Register.
Cassidy's story is based on the Seal Beach Police Department report that was written after Linda Wilborn called 9-1-1 at 3:58 p.m. on Dec. 17, 2009, to say that her
23-month-old daughter Millicent was not breathing.
She gave several incorrect addresses before
the dispatcher figured it out from GPS coordinates. Derrick works at the base.
Police arrived to find the little girl lying on the floor of a back bedroom.
She had no pulse.
“All of a sudden today she collapsed or got weak or something,” the girl's mom is quoted as saying. “She felt weak, fatigued,
or whatever. . . . She started closing her eyes or whatever, that's when I
called 9-1-1.”
But paramedics and emergency-room doctors noted the girl had suspicious bruising on her chest.
Linda Wilborn explained the bruises were
from roughhousing.
When her husband arrived home, a police officer told him that an ambulance had just taken Millicent to the hospital.
“What else can go wrong?” he replied before walking into the home, ignoring his wife and cutting open a box containing three golf clubs.
He explained to the officer, “Building golf clubs relaxes me.”
Dad noted that, after returning home from his military job every day, he would
leave to practice his golf game–with his wife's consent. He had dreams of turning pro after retiring from the military in a couple more years.
A police officer eventually managed to tear the couple away and drive them to Los Alamitos Medical
Center, where they were directed to the private triage room for an
A doctor informed them Millicent had died.
After about 15 seconds of silence, the mother cried out loud for about a minute.
Her husband quietly sobbed
for about the same amount of time.
As far as intense emotional displays by the couple, that about did it.
An investigating detective then left them alone–with his audio recorder running.
“I don't know what God is telling me,” Linda says.
Derrick answers if she had been in the car with him, she could have heard what God said.
God can raise people from the dead, they just need more faith, she says.
“You can't bring her back if he wants her there,” Derrick counters.
The police transcript reportedly describes what happened next:
“Linda pauses and then
remarks to Derrick, 'If you knew he told you I was gonna do something,
you should have told me something.'”
“What part do you not understand? He told me that she died …,” the husband says God told him.
“He told you?” his wife asks.
“When I was driving on the road, he told me. . . . I didn't know what
was going on, because I thought I was hearing the wrong voice.”
“She's still living outside, Derrick. So … well, are you sure it's God telling you that?”
OK, so just to be straight: there are people in this world who think a couple like this are perfectly fine marrying one another and spawning children to torture, while maintaining gay and lesbian couples should be prevented from doing the same.
Oh, that's right, getting ahead of myself on torture.
The coroner's office has determined Millicent died of blunt force trauma to the head and chest.
Her heart was literally torn.
As doctors tried but failed to save her from the clutches of death, the other Wilborn kids were examined by medical personnel.
Millicent's twin
brother was found to have a fractured skull and bruising over much of
his body.
All of the children, who include a 3-year-old girl and eight-month-old boy, were found to be malnourished.
They had mostly been confined to back, sparsely decorated bedrooms
behind a child safety gate.
Cops who'd arrived there for the 9-1-1 call found gnaw marks on a bedroom door jamb.
The children would peel paint chips from the wall and put it in their
mouths, and also tear up the carpet and eat that,
too, the parents reportedly told police.
The kids are now in the county's custody.
Social Services says 32-year-old Linda Ann Wilborn had a history of unspecified mental-health problems, having caught the agency's attention in 2008 after leaving then-four-month-old Millicent and her twin alone in a car.
A June 10, 2008, Social Services form notes the children's caregiver “does not meet the child's immediate needs for supervision, food, clothing, and/or medical or mental health care,” and her “emotional stability, developmental stability,
developmental status, or cognitive deficiency seriously impairs his/her
current ability to supervise, protect, or care for child.”
But the mother was cooperative and admitted her mistakes, claimed the evaluator, who marked her “abuse risk level” to be low.
The county may want to re-do that assessment: Wilborn has been charged with assault
on a child causing death and three felony counts of child abuse.
She has pleaded not guilty.

OC Weekly Editor-in-Chief Matt Coker has been engaging, enraging and entertaining readers of newspapers, magazines and websites for decades. He spent the first 13 years of his career in journalism at daily newspapers before “graduating” to OC Weekly in 1995 as the alternative newsweekly’s first calendar editor.
That’s one sad couple. Who on earth would have children with aperson so unstable. The father wasn’t charged. For the knowledge he knew. And left his poor daughter to die.