Jupilar was originally a guitar duo; it expanded to a four-piece of the experimental/indie persuasion soon after. Singer/guitarist Paul Rivera says they've been described as “cinematic”–which is great, since they're opening for Franki Doll & the Broken Toys tonight at Audio/Visual at Regency South Coast Plaza, right after the screening of the movie Evil Dead.
Paul Rivera: Absolutely. It's literally Rueben's favorite movie. (Or second favorite next to Evil Dead 2).
What's the best horror movie in your opinion?
I love movies like 30 Days of Night. Vampires
make for an amazing movie sans Edward…. you know which Edward I'm
talking about.
If your songs could be in a movie soundtrack what would it be?
We'd love to do a scoring for a film like the group Air did in the movie
The Virgin Suicides. The movie was so dark but the music made it so
beautiful. It's right up our alley.
Audio/Visual featuring Franki Doll & The Broken Toys, Stay the Night and Jupilar, Thursday, June 2,7 p.m. at the Regency South Coast Plaza. (Tickets are $8 and a portion of the proceeds will benefit Sweet Relief Musicians Fund.)