Julio Salgado, OC Weekly Contributor, on Cover of Time Alongside Other DREAM Act Students

Talk about fortuitous timing: on the same week Time devoted its cover to the plight of DREAM Act students–those undocumented saints who are usually more American than their gabacho counterparts, save the legal part–President Barack Obama issued an executive order granting most of them a stay. Everyone and their mami knows it was a cheap political ploy to guarantee the Mexi vote (kinda how Loretta Sanchez did it back in 2010), but kudos are still in order for making Know Nothings crazy.

But bigger kudos are in order for Julio Salgado, the OC Weekly contributor (and my former producer on my late, not-so-great KPFK show), Long Beach native, and noted political cartoonist on all matters DREAM, who was one of the DREAMers on the Time cover.

Julio is the handsome chap to the left of the W–the W, of course, standing for “WERK IT, SON!” Congrats, Julio!

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