The Southern California progressive community is abuzz with word that Minuteman Project founder Jim Gilchrist and his anti-illegals pal, Ted Hayes, will “lecture” at Long Beach State today. “The topic is to inform students and the general public on the Racist Agenda of the La Raza at the national, college, and high school level,” says the press release put out by the Conservative Student Union, which doesn't even have a location for what will surely be an afternoon of laughs.
This time last year, Gilchrist appeared at Long Beach State but was greeted by a massive protest and a walkout by students. I was asked by Long Beach State adults to speak at a counter-protest just outside Gilchrist's lecture but couldn't attend. And, if I did speak, I'd probably would've been booed for my stance: let Gilchrist speak. You cannot properly debate without knowing the other side, as noxious as it may be. Walkouts and boycotts of a speaker only prove the walking-out side are philosophical cowards. Pepper Jim with questions! Ask him to share his opinion about California Coalition for Immigration Reform founder Barbara Coe–the answer may shock you. Or about the silly lads who man the San Diego Minutemen. Congratulate him on the implosion of his Minuteman Project, as recently profiled in the New Republic. And, above all, ask this: why is his pal Frank Mickadeit such a Carona lover?
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