The pinche tax man forced me to visit 'round the corner of Von Karman Avenue and Barranca Parkway in Irvine recently, so I decided to visit a place that slightly piqued my interest: Jersey Mike's, a national chain that cracked the Orange County market a couple years back.I had visions of Wishniak and Taylor Ham, which goes to show how delusional I ultimately am about life.
The Irvine branch did have a cold case, from where their many subs obtained their cuts. The cooks did grill the meat in my Philly cheesesteak upon order, meaning I saw beef turn from pink to a dark brown. But the sandwich was small, expensive (at seven bucks and change for something smaller than my forearm), and the bread they used to make it as limp as an uncooked tortilla. It wasn't a bad sandwich, but nothing great, and definitely not enough to cure my Board of Equalization blues. Hungry around that area, folks? Drive up Barranca, hop on the 55 North to 5 South, exit on Red Hill, make a left, and you're near Dosa Place in about seven minutes.