Jennifer M. Loughran, Alleged Methhead Driving with Child, Ugly Police Mugshot Winner

The booking photographer may have been having a bad day or the shot was snapped before Huntington Beach 37-year-old Jennifer M. Loughran had time to put on her make-up. In any event, there you are. She was picked up after a traffic stop in Fountain Valley last week, when the officer noticed an 8-year-old
boy sitting on the front floorboard of Loughran's pickup–and right next to a glass meth pipe.

Wait, there's more . . .

A DUI test convinced cops Loughran was driving under the influence of something.

“Meth!” Columbo shouted from the back.

Wait, there's more!

Police deduced that Loughran had been smoking meth with two 17-year-olds, male and female, who were also in the truck.

Loughran's son was taken into protective custody, and Loughran was taken to jail on suspicion of driving while under the influence of a controlled substance and felony child endangerment.

The teens were popped on drug charges and released to their parents.

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