Jason “Mayhem” Miller, Ex-MMA Fighter, Snapchats His Way Into 3rd Arrest in 2 Months

Proving irrefutably that he deserves his nickname, former mixed martial arts fighter Jason “Mayhem” Miller has been arrested three times within the past two months in Orange County.

The latest was Monday, when the retired UFC grappler was taken into custody and later released on bond for allegedly violating a “stay away” order from his presumably now ex-girlfriend.


The 32-year-old had hearings on July 1 and Aug. 3 on charges of corporal Injury on spouse/cohabitant. Orange County sheriff's deputies picked Miller up the middle of August for allegedly roughing up the same woman during an argument over a text message.

Jason “Mayhem” Miller, Retired MMA Fighter, Apologizes for Latest Brush With Law

But, according to SCI Fighting, Miller's latest arrest was not somewhere he was not supposed to be but in Judge Andre Manssourian's courtroom. Miller's alleged victim had just shown the judge a Snapchat video of the former fighter saying, “I love you.” Proving that making love or war can get you in trouble, Miller was later led out of court by deputies because, under provisions of the protective order, no communication of any kind with the woman is allowed.

I know what you're thinking: Snapchats disappear after you play them. But the alleged victim had not played the video until getting in front of Manssourian, who used the hearing to send Miller a message by setting bail at $200,000, much more than even the DA's office sought.

The Orange County legal system's growing impatience with Miller is understandable. Here's how SCI Fighting's reporter described Miller's August arraignment hearing:

As Miller was brought into the defendant's cage, he looked wildly around the nearly vacant room with eyes full of confusion. His defense attorney approached him, and Mayhem stressed to her “I need to get out tonight, it's imperative.” Immediately following the interaction, his hands were photographed to show where his girlfriend allegedly bit him and took off large pieces of his skin.

… Mayhem Miller's alleged victim, known to the court as Ana Pricilla (but known to Mayhem as Anna Stable), says that during the second assault case she was urinated on and choked until she fell on the floor, where she was punched and kicked viciously. In defense, Mayhem's attorney stated that the victim was asked to leave the house, and Jason's father witnessed her attacking Jason.

… At this point in the hearing, Judge Manssourian scolded Mayhem because he was making faces and nodding his head in every direction. The fighter apologized, explaining he is “an expressive person” and that he's “an artist.” The judge dismissed his statements, and advised him he is best served to be silent and allow his attorney to speak on his behalf.

As my post linked above notes, Orange County deputies arrested Miller on Aug. 13, 2012, after he was found naked on the couch of a Mission Viejo church that had just been vandalized. The charges were dropped after Mission Hills Church pastor Brian Anderson came forward in Miller's defense.

In August of the previous year, 2011, Miller was arrested in North Carolina after allegedly putting his sister in a headlock and refusing to let her go when she wanted to leave a house party.

Miller frequently takes to social media, Twitter especially, after such incidents to apologize, clarify or otherwise crack wise. He took to Twitter again after his most recent court appearance … to announce he's done (with social media):

Anyone else figure that's not the last we've heard from this troubled fellow? Methinks Miller and Titus Young have something in common other than multiple arrests over short periods of time: too many blows to the head.



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