It's Not a Sign from God: OC Atheists Spread the Word

An Orange County secular group has put up a billboard at a busy Huntington Beach corner informing atheists they do not walk alone in their lack of faith.

“Don't Believe in God? You Are Not Alone” states the sign at Beach Boulevard and Edinger Avenue, which also includes “,” the web address for the Orange County Coalition for Reason.

OrangeCoR is the local outpost for a national organization that has pulled similar stunts in Orlando, Florida, Fort Worth, Texas, and Duluth, Minnesota.

The national organization kicked in the $6,000 required to erect the 14×48-foot sign at the Surf City intersection.

Here is the sign:

“The Orange County
Coalition of Reason (OC CoR) is a collection of atheist, freethought and
humanist groups working together to increase awareness of non-theist
issues and foster community among members,” reads the OrangeCoR home page. “Each member group
in the OC CoR is independently run and has a slightly different approach
to the goal of spreading the idea of non-theism. We believe this to be
our strength as a coalition–different people from different
backgrounds can all find a group that matches their own approach toward
these issues.”

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