Is There an App For Stopping the Baddies Following You From the Apple Store?

The three Los Angeles men above have been arrested in connection with more than 80 burglaries
and car break-ins targeting customers they'd allegedly followed from Apple stores at the Shops at Mission Viejo and malls in Glendale, Manhattan Beach and Thousand Oaks.

Additional bad guys may still be out there, according to cops.

After a string of hits from at least July 1 through Dec. 29, 2009, the three were nabbed in a sting operation in Mission Viejo, where they followed a plain-clothed deputy who emerged from the Apple store to a car and then on the road to a lot at Avery and Marguerite parkways, where they allegedly broke into the car before the heat cam down, according to an Orange County Register report.

They were identified as Garzon Omar David Diaz, 26, Louis Carlos Lopez, 31, and John Marlon Rodriguez, 23, all of Los Angeles. They have pleaded not guilty to the 28 charges against them and are currently being held at Theo Lacy.

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