Irvine Barclay Theatre Gives Rather Than Receives (From Great Park)

Right here in this item about the millions and millions in stocking stuffers doled out Thursday by the Orange County Great Park Board of Directors was the following on the list of stocking stuffees:

*$500,000 to Irvine Barclay Theatre
to help secure talent and provide production help for those '09 arts
and entertainment events, plus $100,000 for “reimbursable expenses.”

Barclay president Doug Rankin just called to clarify that his theater will get nothing out of the deal. Rankin and others at the venue volunteered to help find artists for last summer's inaugural entertainment programming near the Great Park balloon and hangar. Now they will do so for events spread throughout 2009.

Among the actions the Great Park board took Thursday was, “Recommend that the City Council authorize the Chief Executive Officer of the Orange County Great Park Corporation to enter into an agreement at the not-to-exceed amount of $500,000 with the Irvine Barclay Theatre to secure talent and provide production assistance for the 2009 programming, plus up to an additional $100,000 of reimbursable expenses.”

Rankin says the half million does not go into theater coffers but covers production expenses, while the 100 grand is for contingency expenses, such as reimbursing the Barclay if the Great Park later decides more lighting or sound or some other non-budgeted production expense is needed for an event or events.

All Rankin's own board wanted out of the deal, he assured, was “branding opportunities” that might prompt Great Parkgoers to think about attending events inside the Barclay as well.

Duly noted!

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