Well here's a timely UC Irvine study in light of today's Weekly cover package:
The Southern California Regional Progress Report to be released next week shows the large influx of Asian and Latino immigrants into Southern California in
the past 50 years has led to less crime, lower joblessness and
more stable property values.
It's like the Bizarro World view of Arizona's SB 1070 framers and the California Coalition for Immigration Reform!
Today's Weekly “Freedom Under Fire” special report consists of:
• “Crossing the Line” Village Voice Media sister sites provide provocative immigration imagery.
faculty members, 10 graduate students and six undergraduates in UCI's
School of Social Ecology crunched data covering five counties–Orange, Riverside, Ventura, Los Angeles and San Bernardino–from more than a dozen sources, including the FBI, U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
The early release come courtesy not of the university but the Orange County Register, whose online news report resembles a research paper. Among the findings sure to produce reactions of “I told you so” or “You're going to believe that liberal institution of higher PC learning and its flaming Pravda butt trumpet”:
- The growing immigrant population in Southern California
communities has contributed to increases in property values.
- Ditto for crime rates dropping.
- And air quality improving over the past three decades.
- Neighborhoods with 10 percent more Latinos than surrounding areas at
the beginning of the 2000s experienced a 1.3 percent greater increase
in home values over the decade.
- Ethnically mixed SoCal neighborhoods today are more likely to have higher property values than homogenous
neighborhoods, reversing a trend from earlier decades.
And so on. It's as if they took the Barbara Coe Playbook and wrote the complete opposite. Buy a study for all your amigos, amigo!
The university says the study is aimed at sparking “evidence-based” discussion and future planning. It should certainly achieve the former.
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OC Weekly Editor-in-Chief Matt Coker has been engaging, enraging and entertaining readers of newspapers, magazines and websites for decades. He spent the first 13 years of his career in journalism at daily newspapers before “graduating” to OC Weekly in 1995 as the alternative newsweekly’s first calendar editor.