Hockey Dad

With a band name like Hockey Dad, curious listeners might expect an ensemble that hails from the land of maple syrup and all-jean outfits, but nope— the duo originate from Australia, and have already extended their musical reach to other parts of the world. Having recently signed on to New York record label Kanine Records, the two get to share their sunny, indie surf pop jams with willing listeners from coast to coast as they embark on their So Tired Tour that will see them playing SXSW as well as parts of southern California— like at tonight’s show with Rat Fist (featuring No Age alum Randy Randall) and OC punks MELTED at the Wayfarer. So come and check out what these young Aussies have in store— or else risk being seen as an uncool hoser.

Thu., March 24, 9 p.m., 2016
(Expired: 03/24/16)

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