Yesterday, I stumbled (literally: a Bloody Mary, bottle of soju from Ami Sushi, and a double Makers Mark were in my bloodstream) upon the Orange County Young Democrat mixer at Jason's Downtown in SanTana. The keynote speaker was Hoa Van Tran, the one Democrat running in the First Supervisorial District race on June 3rd against GOP gals Dina and Janet Nguyen (no relation). Tran gave a brief speech and took questions, including my own undoubtedly slurred query: given that Orange County's most prominent Vietnamese politicians love to talk tough on illegal immigration, what was his stance?
Tran started his response by noting it was a “federal” matter, then said something else (sorry: the last drops of Makers hit my synapses at that point) but concluded that he's in support of amnesty. Didn't specify how, but such a position puts him in a decidedly different stance from Little Saigon's Boss Tweed, Van Tran (no relation), and draws him closer to the Latinos who make up a significant chunk of First Supervisorial District voters. Hoa: gracias for answering my question–if all the illegals in the First could vote, you'd win in a landslide.