Almost as soon as word emerged of the brutal beating death of Kim Pham, the 23-year Chapman University graduate assaulted outside The Crosby in downtown Santa Ana on Jan. 19, a website popped up asking people to donate to Pham's family for medical bills. And almost as quickly, the site was taken down–not because it was a sham, but per the family's request.
Now, with Pham finally officially declared dead yesterday (she was declared officially brain dead Sunday afternoon, but was kept on life support so she could donate her organs per her desires), the website is back up to help Pham's family's legal bills.
See also:
- Arrest Made in Beating Death of Kim Pham, 23, Outside The Crosby in Downtown Santa Ana: UPDATE
- VIDEO: Footage Emerges of Brutal Beating in Downtown Santa Ana That Left 23-Year-Old Woman Dead
- $5,000 Reward Offered by Downtown Santa Ana Restaurants for Info in Brutal Beating Death of Kim Pham
I am Benjamin Spades and I am the organizer for and I would like to clarify that I have been given the go ahead on raising money(as of 1-20-14 at 10:00pm) for legal fees associated with this tragic incident. Initially, the family of Kim did not want to take the money that my friends and I have raised but have since changed their stance to allow us to raise money for legal fees. In my heart, I truly believe that in their time of mourning that they haven't taken into account all the situations that could come up and time could be a factor as she is still on life support. In this moment of sadness, the last thing I want them to think about is money, Please forward any questions or anything really to my email below.
Since Sunday evening, the website has raised nearly $8,700 out of a $10,000 goal. The website also is allowing people to post their names and condolences to the Pham family. And the one by Catherine Luong sums up Orange County's reaction to Pham's death best: “”You could have been my friend, my sister, my aunt, my niece, my cousin. Im so sorry this happened to you. May you rest in peace.”
And our thoughts and prayers remain with Pham's family.
Email: ga*******@oc******.com. Twitter: @gustavoarellano.
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