Gustavo's Latest “Orange County Line” for KCRW: On Disneyland Ending Discounts for Southern California Residents!

I'll be honest: I've never cared much for Disneyland. That doesn't mean I hate on the entirety of the Resort–I like the hotel workers, I own many cups from Trader Sam's Enchanted Tiki Bar, and the eating at Napa Rose is simply magnificent. But the park itself? I've been exactly three times since 1995–two years ago with my chica, around 1999 with some girl from the rancho, and in 1995 with a group of friends and with a girl I went to second base with that was my second cousin–true story!

Of course, that puts me in the vast minority of O.C. residents, who love the park so damn much that Disneyland just ended discounts for Southern California residents. This was the focus of my KCRW-FM 89.9 Orange County commentary yesterday.


One thing that didn't make it into the final cut: I thanking myself and KCRW host Steve Chiotakis about not using any horrible metaphors using Disney names–no, that wouldn't been in the promo and in the title of this commentary. But at least I was able to work in the fireworks that exploded during the Anaheim riots last year-YEAH! Enjoy!

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