Gustavo's Latest KCRW “Orange County Line”: On Costa Mesa's Effort to Criminalize Public Comments!

I've said this before, and I'll say it again: Man, we really should be paying attention to Costa Mesa politics. Between the scandal that was the city's 60th anniversary party, the lawsuit by Mayor Jim Righeimer against Costa Mesa cops for messing around with him, to the Left's embrace of wackjob conservative Wendy Leece just because she's pro-union, it's almost as much of a wreck as Anacrime. We'll get to it…as soon as we get another staffer, which'll probably happen once digital goes away.

In the meanwhile, we'll find our spot, like here: My weekly “Orange County Line” commentary for KCRW-FM 89.9 yesterday focused on the insane attempt by Righeimer to quash public comments.


You can hear the commentary here–enjoy!



. Twitter: @gustavoarellano.

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