Yesterday, I and a couple of other OC food writers (none of them douches, thank God!) schlepped to the venerable Golden Truffle in Costa Mesa to judge a cocktail contest (more on that in a future post). Greeting us was chef Alan Greeley, who was in an even more boisterous mood than usual. He was happy to announce that he had a bar menu to show us because, after all these years, his eclectic, awesome eatery finally had a full liquor license.
The small but sturdy bar is already stocked with quality booze, and you know it'll only get better because one of Golden Truffle's most loyal fans is Forrest Cokely of Hi-Time Wine Cellars, who was also a judge (typical classic Greeley moment: his awesome bar menu preview was all meat; Cokely is vegetarian. Greeley's response? “Fine, I'll cook for you your vegan shit.” HILARIOUS!). Expect awesome cocktails to infiltrate Golden Truffle soon, and a shout-out in our Drink of the Week column when that happens. In the meanwhile, visit anew and drink up!
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