UPDATE, JULY 28, 1:25 P.M.: Gilbert Arenas is invited back to the Orange County Fair any time and yes, that includes to play its 15 basketball shooting games that won the former NBA star his booty shown above, according to a fair officials.
The reason he was forbidden from playing any more carnival games Sunday is because RCS, the company that runs OC Fair carnival attractions, has policy of one prize per day per individual game station, and there are 15 basketball-shooting games. RCS did not know about Arenas' windfall until being informed of the former guard's Instagram post. “I'd say he looks pretty happy in the picture,” Chris Lopez, RCS vice president, told City News Service. “Makes me wonder how he got all that home? Mr. Arenas is welcome back that OC Fair any time and that includes the basketball games.” Hibachi!
ORIGINAL POST, JULY 28, 6 A.M.: Former NBA player Gilbert Arenas can't show off his sweet shooting touch on the Orange County Fair midway, according to a message posted on social media.
The retired Washington Wizard posted the following on his Instagram account Sunday:
We just got banned from all the basketball hoops at #orangecountyfair…every one screamed #theRimsarebent I screamed #hibachi …#ArenasFamily #CountyFairRockstars
“Hibachi!” is what the guard would shout as he drained jumpers–as in he was on fire like a cooking device you can get for less than 20 bucks at Rite-Aid.
It's a much more welcome social media outburst than the one TMZ published on Jun 17, after Arenas slam dunked a cinder block on girlfriend (and baby momma) Laura Govan's Mercedes–as revenge for her having destroyed her honey's Netflix account.
You shoulda resisted, Gilby; Amazon's got better shows these days.
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OC Weekly Editor-in-Chief Matt Coker has been engaging, enraging and entertaining readers of newspapers, magazines and websites for decades. He spent the first 13 years of his career in journalism at daily newspapers before “graduating” to OC Weekly in 1995 as the alternative newsweekly’s first calendar editor.