Although the Orange County Register is no longer run by the bumbling Aaron Kushner, his legacy lives on. Last week, the paper got hit in federal court with a lawsuit asking for $609,638.30 in damages for failing to pay their printing bill. Failing to pay bills was a big part of Kushner's business strategy, of course–don't forget that the Los Angeles Times sued the Reg for over $3 million for not paying their delivery bills–but this is the first time I remember the Reg being taken to the federal level.
The Register, according to the lawsuit filed by Fisher Printing of Illinois, “continued to place orders for materials…on a cash on delivery basis while failing to pay the outstanding invoices,” the complaint reads, with said outstanding invoices attached. They date from September of last year, when Kushner was still in charge, up to February of this year, when new publisher Rich Mirman was fully in command.
Mirman talks to us, so we'll reach out for his no-comment (it IS pending litigation, after all) once I edit about 4,000 stories…
Email: ga*******@oc******.com. Twitter: @gustavoarellano.
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