F-Bombing Cancer

At this year's Newport Beach Film Festival, FUCK: A Fuckumentary won both the Outstanding Achievement in Filmmaking Documentary and the ticking heart of our favorite shock-resistant timepiece. Now, the fuckumentarians behind the film have found yet another use for the already very useful word, fighting cancer. FUCK co-producer Christine Pechera has Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and is conducting an urgent search for a matching bone marrow donor (details here). To help defray the cost of the search– and the many, many other expenses one racks up with a major illness– her fellow fuckumentarians are offering a special incentive for those willing to donate $10: a yellow rubber wristband– like the “Live Strong” wristbands– bearing the message, “Fuck Cancer”. A noble sentiment, and one much closer than the one way you actually speak than those other inspirational bands of rubber. Details on how to donate and fuck cancer over can be found here.

(via Defamer)

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