You were the drama queen who blew into the hospital waiting area and insisted the TV be turned on immediately, without any regard for anybody else’s peace of mind, just so you could have some kind of media noise going as you made short, impulsive, profanity-laced phone calls and argued with your brother for a few minutes before blowing out again—leaving the TV still running, of course. I’m glad our time sharing the same space was brief; more important, there was a lady on the program that just happened to come on right after you left who said offhandedly that Native American movie icon Iron Eyes Cody was actually Italian. Born to Sicilian immigrant parents, he got work playing Indians in early westerns. Boy, was I faked out all this time! Thanks, Drama Queen, for unintentionally adding yet another piece of evidence that the bulk of the media culture that has shaped our nation’s collective mind is rooted in wholesale fraud.
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