Experience Nirvana With Kannaway’s Hemp Essential Oils

Essential oils have been used for millennia. Although their uses varied from culture to culture, aromatic oils were considered some of the most effective medicines. Today, however, they’re pretty much only utilized in holistics and homeopathy. But when quality oils are used correctly, their therapeutic benefits are impactful. When combining these botanical, terpene loaded plant extracts with the healing compounds of the cannabis plant the benefits can be expansive.

Kannaway recently released their new line of essential oils made with botanical oils and natural terpenes derived from hemp. The oils are inspired by ancient Korean Bi-bong blends, a medicinal tradition dating back to the Donguibogam, a text written by Heon Jun, a royal court physician during the Although these botanical blends are not ones to ingest, they smell charming in a diffuser and feel powerful on the skin.

Three essential oils come in a pack: “Immunity,” a blend of bergamot, orange, oregano, rosemary, eucalyptus and limonene, or the terpene that makes citrus smell like citrus; “Energy,” which is a mix of oils from grapefruit, lemongrass, rosemary, peppermint and the terpene Beta-Caryophyllene– naturally found in rosemary, cloves and cannabis– known to reduce inflammation; and “Tranquility,” blended with chamomile, vanilla, rose, lavender, ylang ylang, and the terpene linalool, which is also found in lavender and known to help calm and reduce stress.

I’ve been incorporating Kannaway essential oils into my daily meditation, and they’ve added a layer of sensory activation and comfort to them. During yoga I add a couple of drops of the citrus forward energy to my temples and wrists to soak in the lemony zest during my flow. In the morning before my coffee, I sit in silence with immunity blend dabbed onto my wrists and feel the earth spice smell of oregano, rosemary and bergamot dashed with eucalyptus, which actually smell like clove when mixed together. At night time, I mix my own lavender essential oil with the tranquility blend, which helps me ease into an aromatic dream-state.

The best part about all of this? It’s not mixed with strange oils. It’s blended with hemp oil, which is excellent for the skin and stimulating immunity. Hemp also has over 12o natural terpenes in it. Although that’s less than the actual cannabis flower that gets you high, the terpenes (or organic hydrocarbons) are still beneficial to your health in the same way.

Cannabis’ wide array of healing benefits makes it a great ingredient for essential oils. Perhaps dōTERRA has some catching up to do.

Price: $35 each; $112 for three pack. Click here to purchase.

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