Dr Who Fans Time Travel to Disneyland This SUNDAY

If you go to Disneyland Sunday and find yourself wondering why you're seeing so many people wearing fezzes or what's the significance of that blue police call box you keep seeing in various forms, the answer to all of your confusion is Doctor Who.

Devoted fans of the British sci-fi television show with a cult following–naturally called Whovians–will converge en masse upon Disneyland proper for the third time on Sunday. The first Galliday gathering (named as a play on the Doctor's home planet Gallifrey) was titled “The Oncoming Storm” and took place in January of 2014. “The Next Regeneration” followed in September, and now the first Galliday of 2015 is entitled “Jelly Baby Jamboree”–a reference to the Fourth Doctor's beloved snack.

Galliday organizer and founder Amy McCain will be dressing up as a femme version the Fourth Doctor herself this weekend in honor of the theme. McCain took the time to speak with us in anticipation of this weekend's Whovian festivities which range from a photo scavenger hunt to Whovian speed dating at Trader Sam's Enchanted Tiki Bar after hours. Allons-y!


What is Galliday, and what is your role in it?
[Galliday] is an unofficial Doctor Who themed day attended by hundreds and hundreds of Whovians in Cosplay and fan shirts!

Where did the idea come from?
Well, I've been a huge Whovian for many many years. And I also love going to Disneyland a lot. I have been attending other themed days such as Bat's Day and Dapper Day for what seems like forever. Naturally putting the two together was inevitable for me. Galliday is a play off of The Doctor's home planet Gallifrey.

What is a typical Galliday at Disneyland like?
Typically I walk around oo-ing and ah-ing over everyone's cosplay!
But it really is for Whovians of all ages. The little ones want to dress up just as much as us big kids! We play games, there are prizes to be won, and the group ride takeovers are amazing. Everyone is so friendly! If you came alone you will definitely leave with new friends!

What events do you have planned?
We start out with breakfast at the Walt and Mickey statue, then we break into groups and begin ride takeovers in different lands. We have a group photo in front of the castle of course. We have an all day game/contest which is a photo scavenger hunt. The list is on the Galliday website. The person or team that collects the most points wins the honor of naming the next Galliday!

At the after party at Traders Sam's Tiki Bar at the Disneyland Hotel, we will be having Whovian Speed Dating!

How many people typically attend?
First time we had a surprising 400+ attendees. Last time we doubled that and had about 750-800 people. We are expecting about the same this time.

Where is the best place in Disneyland for a Dr Who fan or Dr Who photo op?
I would say the best 3 places for pics would be at noon in front of the castle, the Carousel takeover where ALL of us show up. Or at 3pm at the Esplanade between the parks will be our big meet up.

What does Dr. Who have to do with Disney/Disneyland?
Absolutely nothing! Other than the fact it's a great way to bring a community together without the expense of a convention.

Who are you dressing up as?
I will be dressing as a femme 4th Doctor.

And finally, who's your favorite Doctor?
I see this as a trick question because really the are all the same man but not. I like the concept as a whole, each Doctor has their pros and cons. . .But if nobody is looking. . .I rate sexy on a scale from one to Tennant.

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