A Laguna Beach plastic surgeon has weighed in on the pros and cons of silicone “gummy bear breast implants.”
I'd never read those words together either, but apparently this “fifth generation cohesive-gel implant” was approved by the FDA earlier this year.
Wonder if it came with a warning about developing a sweet tooth from motorboating?
Enter Dr. Daniel Mills, who knows a thing or three about gummy bear breast implants as he participated in FDA trials prior to their approval. He recently blogged “Are Gummy Bear Breast Implants the Best Option Available?” Those hoping to add a second “D” to their bra sizes might not like what he has to write.
The good doctor opines that the decision on whether to choose a pair of gummy bears should be based on the cosmetic goals one is trying to achieve as “no one implant is perfect for every patient.”
The yummy gummies' highly-cohesive silicone gel composition–thicker than that of traditional silicone implants; think biting into a gummy bear vs. a Jelly Belly–may not be ideal for patients seeking more upper pole roundness or a much larger breast size, according to Mills. More mass + more thickness = more back pain.
That said (or, actually, written) gummy bear implants can offer several advantages over saline and silicone implants for the ideal candidate because they offer, according to the cutter:
- A more natural look and feel;
- A reduced risk of capsular contracture (buildup of scar tissue around the implant);
- A limited amount of silicone migration into the body should a rupture occur;
- The potential for the implant to last longer (which he estimates at 15-20 years);
- The ability to be inserted through the armpit (transaxillary).
Mills advises anyone seeking any kind of breast augmentation consult a board-certified plastic surgeon who offers a comprehensive array of breast implant options.
And don't forget to brush!
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OC Weekly Editor-in-Chief Matt Coker has been engaging, enraging and entertaining readers of newspapers, magazines and websites for decades. He spent the first 13 years of his career in journalism at daily newspapers before “graduating” to OC Weekly in 1995 as the alternative newsweekly’s first calendar editor.