“Who is the pussy, and when did you get her?”
OK, so the questions probably won't be asked that harshly, but Long Beach city employees are going door-to-door for a pet census of sorts.
But, in addition to identifying four-legged friends, workers are looking for something else: $$$.
Let's let a city release do the barking:
inspectors will be knocking on doors to check on delinquent licenses,
initiate a license for a new pet, or to ask for proof of rabies
certification. Citations or warnings may be issued for delinquent
licenses ($50), and expired rabies inoculations ($100).In
order to avoid a citation for having an unlicensed or unvaccinated
animal, residents are encouraged to secure a dog license in advance of
the canvassing effort by visiting the PD Pitchford Animal Companion
Village at
7700 E. Spring Street, or click here for an online application. Check the website for monthly low-cost pet vaccination, microchipping and licensing clinics.
Damn, a cool $150 in fines! And if your pet papers aren't in order, the city vows to go all Arizona
on your ass, except instead of deporting people, they'll deport large bills from your pants.
It's $90 to license a dog who is a playah and $20 if it's had the ol' snip-snip. (An altered
cat is free to license until January 1, 2011.) Replacement tags cost
It is estimated more than 225,000 household cats and dogs in Long Beach must be vaccinated against rabies and licensed.
So that's how they're balancing the budget!
Seriously, you wouldn't want your little hairball to get bitten by a rabid bat that blindly flew in from Orange County.
The city will be out knock-knock-knocking on doors (or ringing your bells) starting Friday.
You can beat them to the step by going to Animal
Care Services, which is open to the public 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Wednesday through Friday or until 4 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. Visit www.longbeach.gov/acs for directions.

OC Weekly Editor-in-Chief Matt Coker has been engaging, enraging and entertaining readers of newspapers, magazines and websites for decades. He spent the first 13 years of his career in journalism at daily newspapers before “graduating” to OC Weekly in 1995 as the alternative newsweekly’s first calendar editor.