Dirty Dancing: The Classic Story On Stage

Though no mortal man alive can adequately recreate the magical hip gyrations of Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing, actor/dancer Samuel Pergande, who stars as Johnny Castle in this musical rendition, does a pretty damn good job at trying. Written by the original film’s screenwriter, Eleanor Bergstein, Dirty Dancing: The Classic Story on Stage began as an eight-week workshop back in 2001—and, much like the iconic 1987 dance-romance, captured hearts around the world. The show has gone on to perform feverishly successful runs in Australia, New Zealand, Germany, England and more—and now skips across the water for a North American tour. Filled with all the familiar music, scandal, tight pants, watermelon-carrying, and one-liners about where Baby sits, this stage production is in town for limited run only. Don’t miss it.

Tuesdays-Sundays. Starts: Feb. 3. Continues through Feb. 15, 2015

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