Dee Nguyen of Break of Dawn and Gabriel Zambrano of Soho Tacos Get into a Knife Fight!

Kind of. The owners behind my top choices for the best restaurants of 2010, Break of Dawn (nĂºmero 1) and Soho Taco (# dos), met at Dee Nguyen's Laguna Hills temple to breakfast and lunch.

“But, it looks like Chef Gabe made an attempt to get express his culinary superiority by stabbing his way to the top armed with some kind of crazy huge cutter,” the Soho Taco blog reported last week. “Fortunately, both parties called a truce before any blood was shed. They then opted for a peaceful co-existence and left the restaurant with all of their extremities intact.”

A challenge to Dee and other restaurant owners after the jump!

Soho Taco's blog is a good read, which reminds me: why don't more chefs and restaurant owners blog? The luxe-loncheras do a great job of Twitter feeds and Facebook updates, and they're obviously creative folks; why not write out your frustrations, your specials, your uniqueness. I'm specifically calling out Dos Chinos, who are a hilarious group of chinitos but who haven't updated their blog since August–step it up, sons!

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