David Whiting: Cops Can Kill Innocent Man; Just Don't Screw with Nixon Library Floor Mats

Six Fullerton cops savagely beat a defenseless homeless man to death in July, but that didn't piss off Orange County Register columnist David Whiting.

In fact, officers literally tore off Kelly Thomas' face before he took his last breath. Thomas' crime? He took unopened junk mail from trash cans and may have looked inside parked cars.

Whiting urged an outraged community to calm down and show respect to the offending cops because they have such difficult jobs.

He also espoused the greatness of the police department despite the fact
that senior police officials shamelessly attempted to cover up the
crime by falsely attributing violent acts to the victim.

What pissed off Whiting was the work of Fullerton businessman/blogger
Tony Bushala
and KFI's John and Ken, who made sure that the cops didn't
get away with murder and three local politicians (who defended the badged thugs) are
held accountable in an upcoming recall election.

I wrote about Whiting's bootlicking HERE in a recent Moxley Confidential.

But it's not just a brave citizen and radio journalists who anger the Register's front-page columnist.

found something else that unnerves him enough to fuel a column: a potential conspiracy involving the
floor mats at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum in Yorba Linda.

right, folks. Whiting is upset because the floor mats aren't, in his
view, adequately respectful of the 37th president because someone
designed them in a distinct 1970s style and, going with that style, Nixon's
name doesn't have a capital “N.”

(Such despicable conduct surely
is worthy of felony arrest–unless the mats were created by a cop, a
retired cop, someone related to a cop or a mall security guard, no?)

while the rest of Orange County rightfully worries about murderous
police brutality, Whiting is using his prominent position at the
county's largest daily newspaper to research floor mats in hopes of
finding villainous conduct on behalf of outgoing Nixon Library executive
director Timothy Naftali, an acclaimed author and historian.

He cannot stand the thought that Nixon, dead 17 years, might have been victimized by a floor mat conspiracy.

review of other presidential libraries finds red, white and blue themes
with stars and eagles,” Whiting complained in his column. “And the
presidents' last names get a capital letter. Born and buried in Orange
County, this Cold War warrior who warmed U.S. relations with China
deserves similar respect.”

It is, of course, no surprise that Whiting would be enamored by Nixon, who not only supported but encouraged police brutality (as well as numerous burglaries) while he was president.

What's worse here is this: Once again, Whiting has found a way to wipe his muddy loafers on the memory of Kelly Thomas.

–R. Scott Moxley / OC Weekly

(rscottmoxley at ocweekly dot com)

One Reply to “David Whiting: Cops Can Kill Innocent Man; Just Don't Screw with Nixon Library Floor Mats”

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