Dana Rohrabacher Attacks The President

Delores Barr over at OC180News.com reports that Dana Rohrabacher twice called President Barack Obama a “Marxist” Thursday at the Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce breakfast. The line must have come after Rohrabacher fed himself. If you've seen the Huntington Beach Republican–err, “Patriot”–eat, you know he can't cram the bacon, toast and potatoes in his mouth fast enough. Sorry, though a factual observation, I digress. 

My favorite lines in Barr's article were these from the the Chamber
president: “Both [Rohrabacher's] chief of staff, Kathleen, and his aide,
Dana, were incredibly helpful in getting the congressman to attend the
regular breakfast briefing. They have indicated support to have him more
in touch with the Chamber and the City of Seal Beach.”

This raises a series of questions: Bacon–plentiful and free–wasn't
enough to lure Rohrabacher to the event? What exactly did Kathleen and aide Dana
have to do that was so incredible to get their boss to the event? And has the GOP congressman been out of touch with Chamber concerns?


Rohrabacher skipped military service during the Vietnam War but is a certifiable hawk nowadays, promised 22 years ago to serve only six years in Washington as a congressman, shamelessly lobbied for Osama bin Laden protectors in the Taliban before the 9-11 terrorist attacks, always claims he's for the average Joe but voted to block strengthening consumer protections against predatory banks, employed for years a pedophile who targeted seventh grade boys and, while pretending otherwise, helped defense companies sell invaluable, new satellite technologies to communist China.  

–R. Scott Moxley / OC Weekly

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