Current vs. Former OC Register Reporters in Facebook Free-for-All!

Morale has gotten so bad among former and current employees of the Orange County Register that they're now fighting among themselves on Facebook groups–the ultimate sign of desperation and cattiness.

I've known about a private Facebook group called OC Unregistered now for a while. Usually, it's a place for Reggers (Regites? Regenes? Registerians?) to share memories, job leads, and generally keep in touch. But as the reign of Freedom Communications owner Aaron Kushner has increasingly become like something out of Game of Thrones, the sniping because Kushner haters and the keeper of the page has lead to a schism.


Introduce Marla Jo Fisher, a longtime Register reporter who's currently the Deals Diva and one of the paper's most popular columnists. She was the OC Unregistered's moderator, and some unknown meanies apparently must've left comments so dissenting as of recent that she posted the following:


Such an imperial moderator must've not sat well with some of the OC Unregistered people, because the following happened:

Jill Reed and Greg Hardesty, of course, were longtime Reg folks that became victims to the Kushner purges.

The above note led the Queen Regent to issue the following edict:

And that's exactly what happened:


And the rebels LOVE their freedom!

Michael Doss was another longtime Register employee pushed out this past summer.

But there must've been some rapprochement between Reed and Fisher, because this:

Note to both sides: Stop the mud-slinging at each other (unless it's directed at Vik Jolly or Frank Mickadeit), and unite against Kushner!



. Twitter: @gustavoarellano.

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