Today is the National Day of Prayer, a chance for America's most-oppressed people—Christians—to ignore the Nazarene's advice and insist the world see them pray. Heading the affair is Shirley Dobson, wife of Focus on the Family overlord James Dobson. To plug the event, Shirley appeared on the Hour of Power this past Sunday for an interview with Crystal Cathedral head pastor Robert H. Schuller. The wacko-Christian blogosphere is incensed at Dobson for daring to praise Schuller—the man who revolutionized American Christianity—for asking God to “bless you and the good work you’re doing here.” Schuller, for them, is an apostate for daring to preach a Gospel of possibility rather than one of fire, brimstone, and fag-bashing. Typical of the criticism are our own local wackos over at, blog of charlatan Robert Morey and his minions. One Drew Kerr calls Schuller “The Heretic” (caps his) for “his false gospel of self-esteem.” Hey, Drew: while casting stones at false gospels, you might want to pay closer attention to your guy, no?
In other heretical news, Papist professor Francisco Ayala was profiled in the New York Times two days ago for daring to be a scientist who believes in evolution. The horror!