CoaChill-Out During Festival Season!

Festival season is starting this week which is perfect for people that don’t attend festivals, for the next few months every hip eatery and watering hole within a 20 mile radius will be a little less crowded and a lot more fun due to the abundance of outdoor activities at our fingertips. If you are into the festival circuit and have been slowly counting down the days until you can put on that romper and take a couple million selfies to post as a #TBT, then consider this handy little list as a spirit guide along your path towards total enlightenment, or at the very least it will help you to plan accordingly.

Cannabis and Coachella: No way José!

For the second year in a row Coachella has banned our favorite plant from entering the festival despite its current legal status in California. After speaking with several of the events organizers, local law enforcement, and some attendees that have gone every year, it was clear that the answer to my question was dependent on who I asked. According to the Coachella website and it’s organizers, any individual found to have cannabis in their possession while entering the festival will be denied entry. This means that you should either, A) get lit before entering the festival grounds. Or B) hide it in your underwear and try to look as angelic as possible.

Benjamin Guitron, the Public Information Officer at the Indio Police Department says that, “As the law currently permits the possession of cannabis we will not be in attendance to “bust” anyone who lights up during the festival. Our job is to look out for the safety of anyone attending Coachella.” Officer Guitron warns, “However, the sale of cannabis without a permit is still illegal in this state and anyone caught doing so is subject to a citation as well as jail time.”  So it seems that, as long as you can get passed security without alerting everyone of your stash, and you aren’t doing anything illegal in front of a police officer, your festival experience should be as green as possible.

Last year I attended Coachella for the first time after several years of partying at the Anthem House and Vestal Village, located a few miles from the campgrounds in nearby Lake Cahuilla. At these parties it’s almost encouraged to bring as many drugs as possible which is a stark contrast to the actual festivals hardline anti-cannabis stance. After arriving at the festival entrance and witnessing the longest lines I’d ever seen I realized I had plenty of time to prepare for what could happen while getting through security with a pocketful of jazz cabbage.

Two checkpoints with metal detectors and wands were the only thing separating me from from my destination and when the time came for me to step through the gates I was ready, with a half oz of California’s finest flowers stowed away in my bathing suit area I allowed the guards to search my bag and pat me down. I don’t know why I constantly get extra treatment in situations like these but to be honest, it’s nice to be held by someone, even if it’s an angry underpaid (and overheated) security guard and it’s only for a few seconds. After showing the proper wrist bands and blowing a kiss to my new boyfriend I was ready to enjoy $9 water while standing in various lines.

Case in point, security seems to be operating on a “don’t ask, don’t tell” level. So as long as you aren’t blatantly blowing O’s into a security guards face, or walking around trying to sell dime bags, the biggest risk you’ll face while attending the festivities stoned is eating too much from the various food trucks.

Since you’ve decided to take the risk and bring the greens here’s a handy little guide to some of our favorite products for surviving-and flourishing under the harsh summer sun while Kanye rants about slavery being a choice.

ProTab by Level

Worried that actual flowers may be a dead giveaway? Then the ProTab from Level is perfect for flying under the radar. Each 25mg tablet dissolves under your tongue in seconds and has euphoric effects that last longer than it takes to find your friend that said they’d meet you by the ferris wheel. Vegan, gluten-free, and most of all, extremely potent. Bring your festival experience up to another level with ProTabs. Available for same day delivery to Orange County and Coachella Valley by visiting

MediPrana CBD Aloe Gel

After a full day of stomping through the harsh desert heat you’re going to want to protect the largest organ in your body, your skin. Mediprana’s nano-enhanced gel is jam packed with the cooling capabilities of aloe, along with 300mgs of CBD to help speed up your bodies healing process. Minor cuts and abrasions as well as irritation from prolonged exposure to UV rays are no match for this handy summertime product while the addition of lavender and tea tree oil help keep bugs and mosquitoes at bay. The best part is that its available at Haven(formally ShowGrow) in Santa Ana. Which means you only need to make one stop on your way to the desert.
1625 E St. Gertrude Place
Santa Ana, CA 92705

Flav Sun Guard SPF 50

Flav’s CBD rich sunblock is a great way to prevent overexposure and protect against heat exhaustion; especially if you happen to be as pale as me. This year Coachella has banned most umbrellas and other objects that you would normally use to block the sun so be prepared. Otherwise you’re going to have to adjust the color on all your photos so you don’t look like a burn victim.
Available at
Connected Cannabis Co.
2400 Pullman St, Suite B
Santa Ana, CA 92705

Mood33 Cannabis Infused Drinks

Dehydration is no joke, the high desert can be a very unforgiving place so be smart about staying hydrated. For the festival goer that wants to add some fun to their beverage Mood33 is your ticket to get lifted. The low amount of THC, combined with the health benefits of CBD equal a delicious concoction for slamming before you reach the front gate. If you don’t think you can finish the whole bottle come find someone from the Weekly, we’ll gladly help you dispose of it properly. Available in a variety of flavors and ratios at,
Mr. Nice Guy OC
730 East Dyer Rd.
Santa Ana, CA 92705

Canndescent Disposable Vape Pen

With the recent release of the highly anticipated stylus vape pen you’d think Canndescent would take a break from constantly innovating their products. Fortunately for us eager consumers it doesn’t look like they plan on stopping anytime soon. Each pre-loaded and disposable pen’s effects are clearly labeled and color coded to provide you with the cleanest, longest lasting high while it’s sleek design helps to keep your session on the down low. Heading into the festival early? Grab the aptly named Charge strain to keep the momentum going. Looking to knockout after a long day of taking photos of your girlfriend appropriating Native American culture? Then their Calm strain has just the right amount of couch locking effects to have you snoring through even the loudest of after parties, just make sure you’re near your campsite. Available at dispensaries throughout Orange County.

So there you have it folks. Have fun this festival season and stay safe. Oh, and if you do find yourself paranoid about anything you’ve brought along to the party there are amnesty boxes located at every entrance…. Or you can send them my way.

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