Chris Shawkey, Costa Mesa Police Chief, Resigns Under Cloud of Corruption

While Costa Mesa city workers still try to figure out how to beat back the job chops proposed by carpetbagging council member Jim Righeimer, at least there's now $200,000 that can go to save a couple of workers: Police Chief Chris Shawkey has resigned.

Shawkey, of course, had been on paid administrative leave since last year because of an ongoing investigation into allegations he misspent funds for personal use. The investigation was launched by City Attorney Allan Roeder but is no longer headed by him: He “retired” two days ago.

And now, the thoughts of Costa Mesa's best chronicler, Geoff West of A Bubbling Cauldron:


Actually, he hasn't much to say on the subject, instead devoting the majority of his blog post on Shawkey's resignation to bashing longtime Costa Mesa racialist Martin Millard. But read him, anyway. As for the reasoning for Shawkey's sudden resignation? Details to come . . . most likely provided by R. Scott Moxley or Matt Coker . . .

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