Child Pornographer Who Roamed Disneyland Learns Punishment

A child pornography collector who also captured images of unwitting children at Disneyland in 2008 hoped he'd get a prison term less than the punishment dictated by federal sentencing guidelines.

Assistant United States Attorney Amanda N. Liskamm believed David Charles Wilkie should be sent away for at least 70 months and the defendant's taxpayer-funded private attorney argued that punishment was too harsh.

Late last month inside Orange County's Ronald Reagan Federal Courthouse, U.S. District Court Judge David O. Carter determined the fair sentence is 63 months in prison plus a requirement that Wilkie undergo formal supervised probation for the rest of his life.


When he emerges from prison, he must stay at least 100 feet away from all places where kids congregate, agree to share all Internet accounts and passwords with federal agents and submit to searches around the clock.

In a guilty plea, Wilkie admitted he collected and traded sexual images of prepubescent boys.

This defendant has ties to Vons grocery-store clerk Brandon Thurman, who'd collected child porn and was earlier this year sentenced to a 60-month term plus 20 years of supervised probation.

Go HERE to read our coverage of an Orange County man who, to the horror of other patrons, repeatedly used a public library to view child porn.

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. Twitter: @RScottMoxley.

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