Chapter One: the Modern Local Offered Free Shots to Celebrate Osama Bin Laden's Death

Dave, my chica and I were dining at Chapter One: the modern local in downtown Santa Ana when the helpful waitress said we were getting free shots. I was about to wave it off, figuring the owners knew Dave and I were in the house and wanted to butter us up, so I asked her the reason.

“Didn't you hear?” she replied happily. “Osama bin Laden is dead!”

You don't say.

Immediately, the flat-screens at the bar turned from the Phillies game and GolTV to Obama's speech, as the waitresses went around the restaurant to tell everyone that Chapter One's owners were treating the entire house to a shot.

Now THAT, dear pubs, is a modern local. Gracias, Chapter One, for the bad-ass move, and may you offer free booze bottles to all when this pinche War On Terror is finally complete.

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