Carl's Jr. Says It Doesn't Want to Raise Prices Next Year–Which Means it Probably Will

If we know one thing about corporate-speak in America, it's that the truth is the opposite of what they say or claim they hope to accomplish. So when Carl's Jr. CEO Andrew Puzder told analysts in a phone call that his company wants to keep prices at the same level despite increasing costs in food and labor, that means your Six-Dollar Burger will probably cost $8 by next year.

Nation's Restaurant News GA*******@oc******.com&utm_content=NRN-News-NRNam-12-09-10&utm_campaign=Menu%20prices%20rise%20at%20casual-dining%20restaurants”>has the story, with an admission by Puzder that the public already perceives his company's prices as “already high.” He also waffles on his pronouncement of not increasing prices by saying Carl's will be “watching what competitors do.” And there you go.

One other interesting fact Nation's Restaurant News notes: Hardee's, the sister company of Carl's, has increased its sales in nine consecutive quarters, while Carl's “continues to struggle amid weak economic conditions in its core market of California.”

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