Elias, the Latino Canyon High grad who came to school wearing house shoes, a sureño blue rag and a buttoned-at-the-collar shirt during June's infamous “Seniores and Señoritas” day is unrepentant about his actions, which include posing between two border patrol blondes faking arrest and then tweeting it out publicly for all to see.
Young Elias did not respond to interview requests yesterday made by a local television news station as the story flared up once more. White privilege-encouraging vendidos stepped up to the plate instead, offering half-baked excuses for all the “fun-loving” Mexi stereotyping and bashing that went on.
But the YOLO cholo was active on twitter hash tagging #NOREGRETS in caps following it up with exclamation point laden “SENIOR YEAR!” Stay, classy! Even as you front Christian on that G.od A.nointed N.ow G.eneration tip! And no, South Park is not going to get your back as you so desperately hope. Their 'Last of the Meheecans” episode was funny. Your schtick? Not so much…
Elias (whose last name we know, but we're holding back because we're still responsible adults, believe it or not–actually, we're saving its unveiling for our Scariest People issue haha) came to our attention via a source when we broke the story back in June. When we posted his publicly available Twitter photo, he threatened to sue us. When we asked for an explanation, he replied with the most juvenile explanation available–“YOLO,” acronym for “You Only Live Once.”
He's still whining on Twitter (which the pendejo has put back on public as of this writing) that what he did wasn't wrong, that he's going to sue everyone for harassmant, and is Tweeting out photos of whom he considers to be the rat harshing his fun: former Canyon High student Jared Garcia-Kessler, whom the media is depicting as a hero for coming forward and putting a stop to this (without mentioning that we broke the story, but what are you going to do…).
Funny he mentions Kessler. As the investigation into the entire incident occurred over summer break, one of the proposed remedies is the offering up of a concurrent Ethnic Studies course for Canyon students at Santiago Canyon College. Members of the class of 2012, like the priceless Elias, who participated in Mexi-mocking are all graduated and gone, but would have been best served to enroll.
Compare Elias to Garcia-Kessler, who did just that, taking a Chicano Studies course at Santiago Canyon and getting conscious and shit before taking on 'Seniores and Señoritas ' day, helping to rid it once and for all.
Hell, given all that's going on in Anaheim this summer, (and before that) a righteous call for a Raza Studies Program modeled after the ideologically dismantled version in Tucson, Arizona would be well heeded by city school districts. As of now, there's dual-language immersion programs for some elementary kids, but language without culturally relevant pedagogy is a glass half-empty.
Fill it up and there will be more Jared's and less Elias's in Anaheim, Hills or flats…
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Gabriel San Román is from Anacrime. He’s a journalist, subversive historian and the tallest Mexican in OC. He also once stood falsely accused of writing articles on Turkish politics in exchange for free food from DönerG’s!