Trash-Can Art

All the world’s a drum, and all the men and women merely players when the British street buskers-turned-performance-art troupe/drum circle/dance ensemble of Stomp! take the stage. They pound, tap, jump and dance on and with tools, found objects and detritus of the Industrial Age­—broomsticks, pots and pans, garbage cans, hubcaps, even the ol’ kitchen sink—turning noise into richly textured, nuanced music. Somewhere between Blue Man and Burning Man, this recently expanded show promises two new routines: one a choreographed throwing and catching of paint cans and the other having to do with giant, inflated tractor-tire inner tubes. It’s hard to describe, but seeing is believing. Hearing, too.

Tue., Jan. 6, 7:30 p.m., 2009

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