Haunted Fullerton Walking Tour

Highly theatrical blood-and-guts haunted houses are all well and good. In fact, they’re pretty awesome. But what really raises goosebumps are ghost stories based on fact; tales of people who once lived and breathed and walked the same streets we do. During Fullerton’s 122 years, the city has accumulated its own share of eerie lore—and now has a walking tour of local hauntings. In the short span of a mile and a half, paranormal-activity enthusiasts can visit the Plummer Auditorium where the spirits of Louis E. Plummer, along with a ghost they simply call “The Angry Woman” (we might know her…) are said to still watch the performances. Other haunted stops include the California Hotel (not of Eagles fame, but still scary) and the Fullerton Police Department (scary any time of year). Wear comfortable walking shoes—in case you need to run.

Wednesdays, 6 p.m.; Thu., Oct. 8, 6 p.m. Starts: Oct. 7. Continues through Nov. 6, 2009

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